Saturday, August 25, 2012

Baye, Day 5 - Wednesday 15/8/12

Up at 9am to see Michel, no sign. Sylvere the electrician arrived at 11am expecting to lift our boat out with Michel, and found out he was unwell (hungover) from last night! Patience rapidly running out........ Michel appeared at 2.30pm, hallelujah and the batteries were now charged up so we had the green light for the lift out at 3.30pm. The crane arrived like an army tank! And everyone in the marina watched as GG II was lifted out to check the outdrive. Good news, all ok, just a small leak from the power trim which was not too important, all the rest good to go. Yipee. There was a sore €120 bill, but at least we know all is fine and we can leave tomorrow for Corbigny. A celebratory beer or 2 aboard with sausage and eggs for dinner and dominoes. James won as usual!

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