Sunday, June 17, 2012

Boys Toys - Sunday 17/6/12

After a pretty miserable week, weather wise, in Glasgow, we returned last night to beautiful clear skies and some heat. Our vegetables have all come on leaps and bounds and by the time Mel and Patsy arrive on Wednesday, we should have an abundance of strawberries, marrows, potatoes and carrots to feast on! The tomatoes will be a good 4 weeks yet. Everything is quite behind because of the cold spring we had. Because of the hot weather last week, despite having our pool filter on 3 hours a day, our pool has gone green, so we threw in vast amounts of chlorine and anti-algae liquid and are now counting the hours for it to do its magic. The green water has cleared already, but it is still a bit cloudy and the ph levels are too high for a swim. Once it balances out, we will be in for a swim to cool off. Jim took the opportunity to play with his R/C boat.......boys and their toys.....hmm.

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