Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Update on James - Tuesday 2/4/13

James has had a bit of a rough time, last week, with high fever, infection, swelling and the most horrendous allergy rash to one of the drugs. He has been pumped full of antibiotics and anti histamine and this has done the trick.....eventually, but he was in bed and totally washed out for 5 full days. The swelling on his face has now almost disappeared, but his legs and ankles still have a bit to go and after a chest x-ray, it now seems they think he has a pulmonary oedaema which they are now treating with furosemide so he will be peeing more than ever now, to disperse the excess body fluid. His fever thankfully is now almost normal although it does fluctuate periodically and the rash is starting to clear up, but it has left his skin in a terrible mess and he looks almost like a de-scaled fish! Nothing a bit of moisturising cream won't sort. It has been a worrying week for both of us but the nurses give us encouragement constantly by telling us that this is all normal symptoms of the chemotherapy. James also received stomach injections of white cells and this has started his white cells generating normally again. He has also been topped up with red blood cells through transfusion as well as platelets. Let's hope we are almost out of the woods and seeing a wee bit of light at the end of the tunnel for this first stage of treatment. It has been difficult to keep James motivated and determined, especially when he has been feeling so down and under the weather, but he is getting there and the thought of getting out soon for his 10 day break, is keeping him going. On a lighter note, my Swimathon is going very well and so far I have raised £520 for the Friends of the Beatson, and I have decided to sponsor myself at £1 per length, so this should bring the total up to almost £1000, which was my target. Thank you all so very much for your generous donations, it is very much appreciated. You can still donate by clicking on the link a couple of stories down on the blog - go on, you know you want to!!

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