Saturday, August 25, 2012

Pannacot - Chatillon en Bazois - Day 2, Sunday 12/8/12

Left at 10am this morning after delicious bacon and eggs for breakfast., heading for Chatillon en Bazois which is 10 locks away and 20km. Weather again scorching hot and the locks were thankfully manned although we did help out with gates etc. Some of the lock we passed through were absolutely stunning and beautifully kept with pretty flower baskets and ornaments. Again, we had lunch on board between 12-1 on the canal side and then continued to arrive about 4pm. Chatillon en Bazois has the most beautiful dominating castle built on the ancient fortress of the Sires of Chatillon. Our friends on Haricot arrived an hour and a half later and tied up beside us - they are not good at getting up early in the mornings! The pontoons for the overnight stay were excellent and free with water and electricity and after relaxing, we cycled into town to the Logis Hotel Restaurant for dinner where we had a lovely meal including my favour snails in garlic and parsley butter. Early to bed as we were both knackered with the heat.

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