Monday, July 09, 2012

Escape to Victory! - Sunday 8/7/12

Last week, 2 hens belonging to Mai and Jean Paul, our neighbours, escaped and all week everyone has been trying to catch them, it has been hilarious to watch. Mai and her family have been running through ours and Jean Francois' garden with nets, and sticks, trying to coax the hens back home, but they are fast little buggers. They eventually gave up..... The 2 hens never ventured far, and have spent their time between ours and Jean Francois'gardens, pecking away at the ground for food, with Socrat the dog watching them and not even blinking an eye! Well, on Saturday, after I left for Glasgow, James rigged up a trap for them, with some food to lure them into a box and on Sunday it worked! - clever James, he said it was great fun. We will miss them scuttling about, perhaps they will escape again soon!

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